General English

Cloze Test Passage - I

Fill up the blanks in the passage given below with the most appropriate word from the options given for each blank

“Between the year 1946 and the year 1955, I did not file any income tax returns.” With that (1)...... statement, Ramesh embarked on an account of his encounter with the Income Tax Department. “I originally owed ` 20,000 in unpaid taxes. With (2)....... and (3)........ the 20,000 became 60,000. The Income Tax Department then went into action, and I learned first hand, just how much power the Tax Department wields. Royalties and trust funds can be (4)........ automobiles may be (5)........ and auctioned off. Nothing belongs to the (6)..... until the case is settled.”

1. (a) devious (b) blunt (c) tactful (d) pretentious
2. (a) interest (b) taxes (c) principal (d) returns
3. (a) sanctions (b) refunds (c) feet (d) fines
4. (a) closed (b) detached (c) attached (d) impounded
5. (a) smashed (b) seized (c) dismantled (d) frozen
6. (a) purchaser (b) victim (c) investor (d) offender

Answers :
(1) (b), (2) (a), (3) (d), (4) (c), (5) (b), (6) (d).