General English

People or Person

One Word Substation based on People or Person

Words One Word Substation
Agnostic One who is not sure about God?s existence
Arsonist A person who deliberately sets fire to a building
Amateur One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession
Ambidextrous One who can use either hand with ease
Auditor One who makes an official examination of accounts
Anarchist A person who believes in or tries to bring about a state of lawlessness
Apostate A person who has changed his faith
Atheist One who does not believe in the existence of God
Arbitrator A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
Ascetic One who leads an austere life
Bohemian An unconventional style of living
Cacographer One who is bad in spellings
Cannibal One who feeds on human flesh
Chauvinist A person who is blindly devoted to an idea/ a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
Connoisseur A critical judge of any art and craft
Contemporaries Persons living at the same time
Convalescent One who is recovering health after illness
Coquette A girl/woman who flirts with a man
Cosmopolitan A person who regards the whole world as his country
Cynosure One who is a centre of attraction
Cynic One who sneers at the beliefs of others
Demagogue A leader or orator who espouses the cause of the common people
Debonair A person having a sophisticated charm
Dilettante A dabbler (not serious) in art, science and literature
Epicure One who is for pleasure of eating and drinking
Egotist One who often talks of his achievements
Emigrant Someone who leaves one country to settle in another
Effeminate A man who is womanish in his habits
Fastidious One who is hard to please (very selective in his habits)
Fugitive One who runs away from justice
Fanatic One who is filled with excessive enthusiasm in religious matters
Fatalist One who believes in fate
Gourmand A lover of good food
Honorary Conferred as an honour
Heretic A person who acts against religion
Highbrow A person of intellectual or erudite tastes
Hypochondriac A patient with imaginary symptoms and ailments
Henpeck A person who is controlled by wife
Indefatigable One who shows sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
Iconoclast Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions
Introvert One who does not express himself freely
Immoral Who behaves without moral principles
Impregnable A person who is incapable of being tampered with
Insolvent One who is unable to pay his debts
Lunatic A person who is mentally ill
Misanthrope A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society
Mercenary A person who is primarily concerned with making money at the expense of ethics
Narcissist Someone in love with himself
Numismatist One who collect coins as hobby
Philogynist A person who likes or admires women
Philanthropist A lover of mankind
Polyglot A person who speaks more than one language
Recluse One who lives in solitude
Somnambulist Someone who walks in sleep
Stoic A person who is indifferent to the pains and pleasures of life
Termagant A scolding nagging bad-tempered woman
Uxorious A person who shows a great or excessive fondness for one?s wife
Virtuoso One who possesses outstanding technical ability in a particular art or field
Eisoptrophile A person who is addicted to seeing oneself in mirror
Gastronome A person who loves food and finds pleasure in eating and drinking
Chrematophile A person who loves money
Oneirophile A person who loves dream
Anuptaphile A person who loves staying single
Melophile A person who loves music
Incorrigible One who cannot be corrected
Ambivalent One who has mixed feelings
Extrovert One who is outspoken and outgoing
Misanthrope / Misanthropi One who hates or disgust mankind
Misogynist One who hates or disgust females
Misandrist / Misander One who hates or disgust males
Flamboyant One who is showy/flirtatious/ Pompous of character
Uncomplecent / Fastidious One who is difficult to please or to convince
Psychic One who has a strong sixth sense
Psychotic One who is mentally unsound
Dipsomaniac One who is addicted to hard drinks
Teetotaler One who is not addicted to anything
Convivial One who is full of life and has a charismatic personality
Gullible One is innocent and unaware of worldly affairs
Vulnerable One who is prone to hurt
Dexterity An ability to use both the hands
Oracity An ability to express oneself in speech
Acumen An ability to make good judgments and take quick decisions
Foresight An ability to see what might happened in future
Sangfroid An ability to stay calm in difficult situations
Knack An ability to do something
Mimicry An ability to copy the behaviour of a person
Navigate An ability to find ways or directions
Annotate An ability to add diagrams or explanation to a written context
Nutt Having no legal power
Omnipotent, Omnipotence Having complete power
Luscious Having an appealing taste or appearance
Otiose Having to a useful purpose
Erudite Having knowledge of the power of learning