General English

Foreign Words

Foreign Words

The students are required to study carefully the list of foreign words given below. Some of them have become part and parcel of English language and are copiously used in literary and judicial terminology. Although their knowledge is very useful, but they may not be used mere for the sake of showing off one's learning. The absence of their knowledge often exercises constraint on the understanding of the students. The list given below contains such words as a student may come across in newspapers and standard-works on language.

Foreign Words Meaning in English
Vis-a-vis directly, opposite to
a la mode in the fashion, in vogue
A posteriori from the effect to the cause
A' discretion without restriction
A' fond thoroughly
A' gauche to the left
A' maximis ad minima from the greatest to the smallest.
A? propos to the point
Ab aeterno from eternity
Ab ante from before
Ab antiquo from olden time
Ab initio from the very beginning
Ab intra from within
Ab irato in a fit of passion
Ab origine from the beginning
Abonnement subscription
Ad modum After the method of
Ad arbitrium at pleasure
Ad extra outward
Ad finem to the end
Ad hoc arranged for special purpose
Ad infinitum for indefinite period for ever
Ad interim mean while
Ad nauseam to offensive limit
Ad valorem according to value
Ad verbum word for word
Advivum to the life
Advolerm according to value
Aequanimiter calmly
Age quod agis do with all your power what you do
Albeit although
Alibi false plea of absence
Alinude from another place
Allons come along, let us go!
Alma mater mother institution that son attended
Alter ego bosom friend, one's other self
Alter ipse amicus a friend is another self
Alumni ex students of an institution (Alumnus singular)
Amicus curiae friend of the court in any judicial proceeding
Amicus humani generis a friend of humanity
Anima mundi the soul of the world
Animo et Jide by courage and faith
Animus bad intention
Annus Mirabilis a wonderful year in which great events take place
Ante bellum before the war
Ante mer idiem before noon
Ante meridieum time between midnight and noon
Antiquarium collection of antiquities
Apropos appropriate, to the point
Arbitrium power of decision
Arcana imperii state secrets
Au revoir until we meet again
Avant garde pioneer in movement of art/literaturee
Bella, horrida bella wars, horrible wars
Bellum lethale deadly war
Bete noire an object of dislike
Biennium period of two years
Bon Voyage pleasant journey to you
Bon-homie pleasantness of manners
Bona fide in good faith, sincere
Bona fides good faith
Bona mobilia movable goods
Bourgeoisie middle class
Cadeau a present , a gift
Caeca est invidia envy is blind
Carte blanche full freedom of action
Casus belli act/event leading to war
Cause celebre a very notable trial
Caveat actor let the doer beware
Centum a hundred
Chaperon a person (usually elderly lady) who accompanies a young girl
Charge d' affairs one who acts as an ambassador
Circa about (bom circa 150 BC)
Cito quickly
Coiffeur hair dresser
Coiffure style of hair dressing
Compos mentis of sound mind, sane
Con spirito with spirit
Consilio et animis by wisdom and courage
Contra bonos mores against good manners or morals
Coram populo in the presence of the public
Coup d' etat violent or unconstitutional change in government
Coup de grace the final blow
Coup de hasard a lucky chance
Couturier man dress designer
Couturiere woman dress designer
Crimen falsi crime of perjury
Culpa levis a slight fault
Currente calamo with a running pen
Data et accepta expenses and receipts
De bon augure of good omen
De die in diem form day to day
De facto in fact, real
De integro afresh, anew
De jure according to law, by right
De navo a fresh
Debut first appearance on stage or any event.
Debutant one making first appearance (male)
Debutante one making first appearance (female)
Dei gratia by the grace of God
Deja vu a feeling that something has happened before
Demarche a political step/presentation
Denoument final conclusion in a play
Deo gratias thanks to God
Deo favente with God?s favour
Detente easing of strained relations
Detenu a prisoner
Deus avertat God forbid !
Deus det God grant !
Dictum de dicto hearsay, report
Domine, dirige nos God, direct us !
Dramatis personae characters in a play
Dum spiro, spero while I breathe, I hope
Editio princeps original edition ( of a book)
Elite select, choice
Emeritus retired but retaining honorary title (emeritus-professor)
En bloc in a group, collectively
En masse in a mass
En route on the way to
Entrenous between ourselves
Eo nomine by that name
Erenata according to the exigencies of the case
Esprit de corps spirit of belonging to one organisation
Et hoc genus omne, et id and everything of this or that sort
Et, tu, Brute and you too Brutus
Ex parte on one side only
Ex curia out of court
Ex delicto owing to crime
Ex dono as a gift
Ex gratia as a matter of grace, favour
Ex officio by virtue of one's post
Ex parte done not in the presence of other
Ex post facto by subsequent act
Ex tacito silently
Ex utraque parte on either side
Ex voto according to one?s prayer
Exampli Grata e.g., for example.
Expressis verbis in express terms
Faber est quisque fortun everyone fashions his own fortune
Facta non verba deeds not words
Factum est it is done
Fadaise a silly talk
Fait accompli an accomplished fact
Fata obstant he Fate opposes it
Fecit made or executed
Fiance a man to whom one is engaged to marry
Fiancee a woman to whom one is engaged to marry
Fiat justitia, ruat clelu let justice be done, though the heavens should fall
Fide et amore by faith and love
Fidus et audax faithful and bold
Fillius nullius a bastard
Forte a person's special talent
Foreign Words Meaning in English
Gaillard lively
Garcon a boy, bachelor
Gloria in excelsis Glory to God is the highest
Hauteur haughtiness
Hoc anno in this year
Hoc age attend to what you do
Hoc loco in this place
Hoc tempore at this time
Hominis est errare to err is human
Hors de combat out of the combat; disabled
Ibid in the same book/chapter
Id est i.e, that is to say
Impromptu without study
In toto in the whole, entirely
In abstracto in the abstract
In camera not open to public
In curia in court
In equilibris in equilibrium
In esse infact
In extenso at full length
In pace in peace
In statu quo in the former state
In terrorem as a warning
Infra dig below one's dignity
Infra dignitatem below one?s dignity
Inter alia among other things
Inter alia - among other things
Inter se amongst themselves
Ipso Facto really, by that very fact
Joie de vivre joy of living
Joie? de vivre joy of living
Jure humano by human law
Jure divino by divine law
Labor ipsev oluptas labour itself is pleasure
Laissez faire - free from govt, control/interference
Lapsus memoriae a slip of the memory
Lapsus calami a slip of the pen
Lapsus linguae a slip of the tongue
Lese majeste high treason
Lingua Franca common language spoken by people
Literatur literary man
Locus standi right to be heard, to interfere
Lucri causa for the sake of gain
Lusus naturae a freak of nature
Magnum bonuni a great good
Magnum opus a great book or a work of art
Mala fide in bad faith
Melange mixture, blending, medley
Memento mori remember that thou shalt die
Menage household, domestic
Mirabile dictu wonderful to tell
Mirabile visu wonderful to see
Modus operandi method of dealing with a work
Modus Vivandi way of living
Mutatis Mutandis with necessary changes
Nexus bond, a link, connection
Nolens volens willing or not willing, whether he will or not
Noli me tangere do not touch me
Nom de plume pen name, assumed name
Nonpareil incomparable, unparallel
Nota Bene take note, N.B.
Nouveaux Riches people who are newly rich
Nulli secundus unparalleled, second to none
Nunc est bibendum now is the time for drinking
Obiter dictum a passing remark
Omnia bona bonis all things are good to the good
Onus probandi the burden of proof
Outre exaggerated
Par excellence . - excellent, superb
Pari Passu at an equal rate/pace
Particeps criminis an accomplice
Per annum per year
Per centum by the hundred
Per diem per day, daily
Per se by itself
Persona non grata a person not acceptable
Populus vult decipi the people wish to be fooled
Post meridieum afternoon
Post mortem after death
Post obitum after death
Pot pourri meddling, mishmash, mix hire
Prima Facie based on the first impression
Primo in the first place
Pro rata in proportion
Pro tempore for the time being temporarily
Proletarian a member of poor class
Qui tacet consentit he who keeps silence consents
Quid pro quo something given or taken as equivalent to another
Quid pro quo something given or returned as a equivalent of something
R.S.V.P. respondez s' ilvous plait, please reply
Raison d'etre reason for existence, real purpose
Re cla'me publicity, press?agent, stunt
Rendezvous - private meeting place
Res gestae exploits
Resume a summary or abstract
Riposte repartee, retort
Sang froid coolness in a trying condition
Sans without, deprived of
Sine die for an indefinite period
Sine odium without hatred
Sine qua non without which not, an indispensable condition.
Sine quanon indispensable qualifications
Son et lumiere A historical play staged with sound and light
Sponte sua of one?s own accord
Status Quo the same position
Sub judice under consideration
Summum bonum chief good
Suo moto on one's own
Suus cuique mos everyone has peculiar habits
Terra incognita an unknown country
Tete o tete a private conversation
Tour de force a feat of strength or skill
Tu quoque Brute and thou too Brutus !
Ultima thule the utmost limit
Ultra Vires beyond one's authority
Vale farewell
Veni, vidi, vici I came, I saw, I conquered
Versus against
Via media middle course
Vice in place of
Vice versa in opposite ways
Vis-a-vis opposite, facing
Viz namely, that is to say
Volente Deo God willing
Vollte face a complete turnabout, reversal of policy
Vox populi voice of the people
Vox populi,vox Dei the voice of the people is the voice of God
Xerox photo copy.
Xystum a shaded walk in a garden
Zeitgeist the spirit of the contemporary time
Zonam perdidit he has lost his wealth, he is in need of money.