Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Correct the Sentence - IV

Correct the following sentences

(1) It is half past six in my watch.
(2) He is true to his words.
(3) The magistrate passed order for his an acquittal.
(4) His family members have gone to Kashmir.
(5) The examinations begins from Monday.
(6) He hesitated in complying with my request.
(7) He was displeased at Mira going to the theatre last night.
(8) He was angry at me not complying with his request.
(9) Health is more preferable than riches.
(10) His claim in prior than yours.

Answers :
(1) It is half past six by my watch.
(2) He is true to his word.
(3) The magistrate passed orders for his acquittal.
(4) The members of his family have gone to Kashmir.
(5) The examination begins on Monday.
(6) He hesitated to comply with my request.
(7) He was displeased at Mira’s going to the theatre last night.
(8) He was angry at my not complying with his request.
(9) Health is preferable to riches.
(10) His claim is prior to yours.