Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Fill in the Blanks - VII

Each sentence in the questions has one or two blanks, each blank indicates that something has been omitted. Beneath the sentence are four lettered words or sets of words. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits into the meaning of the sentence as a whole

Ques 1. She stoically revealed that armed robbers had ransacked the home and .......... added that her grandparents could not survive.
(a) euphemistically
(b) gravely
(c) soberly
(d) miserably
Ques 2. Ronnie was shocked to see his score in mathematics, getting one mark short was nothing short of a .......... .
(a) parody
(b) heresy
(c) travesty
(d) carrion
Ques 3. He cleverly drew upon the.......... motives of his colleagues and made them contribute to the .......... fund.
(a) miserly, sincere
(b) insular, relief
(c) craven, justice
(d) altruistic, dubious
Ques 4. The world is .........., its suffering.......... .
(a) perfect, sincere
(b) just, scarce
(c) diverse, sparse
(d) imperfect, random
Ques 5. There were two baskets kept for the garbage’s disposal, one was marked ..........and one was marked simplify matters.
(a) low, high
(b) upward, downgraded
(c) parasitic, renevable
(d) biodegradable, recyclable

Ques 6. The task of the special committee was to put a .......... to the accelerating spread of the highly contagious disease across the .......... states.
(a) spur, far-flung
(b) hold , warring
(c) brake, contiguous
(d) downclamp, factions
Ques 7. Aimed at putting a check on .......... disruptions to the WTO proceedings, the Riot Guards made it clear that they can match the protestors’efforts stone by stone, .......... .
(a) rational, bridge by bridge
(b) justified, day by day
(c) putrid, hour by hour
(d) irrational, brick by brick.
Ques 8. Our initial days at Rockford were .........., quite surprising, the head boy was the biggest .........., and we earned the nickname of the ‘Peevish Batch’.
(a) calm, mediator
(b) tempestuous, dissenter
(c) turbid, arbiter
(d) sane, leader
Ques 9. The poet .......... the beauty of the courtesan with his lyrical melodies.
(a) condemned
(b) disparaged
(c) scorned
(d) extolled
Ques 10. To the dismay of her friends, her father .......... shouted at the authorities and hurled .......... abuses at them.
(a) vociferously, vituperative
(b) gently, decibel
(c) malignantly, carnal
(d) cowardly, harsh

Answers :
(1) (a), (2) (c), (3) (d), (4) (d), (5) (d),
(6) (c), (7) (d), (8) (c), (9). (d), (10) (a).