Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Para Jumbles - VIII

In each of the questions below four sentences are given which are denoted by (A), (B), (C) and (D). By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful para. The correct order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order of sentences and mark it as your answer

Ques 1.
(A) Now under liberated economy they are learning to compete domestically and globally.
(B) In India corporations until recently achieved success by avoiding competition, using protected and regulated domestic markets.
(C) The trend is irreversible.
(D) Business leaders are preparing themselves to meet competitive challenges, and to avoid being swept away.
(a) ABDC
(b) BDCA
(c) BDAC
(d) CDBA
(e) BADC

Ques 2.
(A) Recovery was given inadequate attention and consequently some bank branches regularly incurred heavy losses and their parent bodies had to bale them out.
(B) As a result, banks indulged in extensive lending to borrowers who had little or no potential to make repayments.
(C) To fulfil the social objectives laid down by the masters of nationalisation, banks were asked to lend to identified priority sectors.
(D) 1992-93 results showed that the loss making branches of public sector banks increased from 10000 to 13000 and the quantum of losses showed at ` 3,369 crores.
(a) BACD
(b) DABC
(c) CBAD
(d) BCAD
(e) CDBA

Ques 3.
(A) However, different rulers and governments dealt with the different groups in a compartmentalised manner.
(B) Various situational and political changes have taken place over the past three and half centuries.
(C) This tendency resulted in deeply embedded fragmented South American Society which became even more prominent in the period 1948 until the commencement of the new constitution on May 19, 1994.
(D) South Africa is a racially divided society since the first European settlers arrived in 1652.
(a) BDAC
(b) DBAC
(c) CABD
(d) ACDB
(e) BACD

Ques 4.
(A) Such a system will help identify and groom executives for positions of strategists.
(B) Evaluation of performance is more often than not done for the purpose of reward or punishment for past performance.
(C) They must become an integral part of the executive evaluation system.
(D) Even where the evaluation system is for one’s promotion to assume higher responsibilities it rarely role of change agent and creative problem solving.
(a) DBAC
(b) DCBA
(c) ABCD
(d) BDCA
(e) CDBA

Ques 5.
(A) Finally, the bureaucratic organisation took over from the pioneering enterprise.
(B) The nineteenth century was the age of entrepreneur, the self-made man.
(C) Thoughtful business administration took over from action centred business entrepreneurship.
(D) In the twentieth century the rational executive took command.
(a) DBAC
(b) CABD
(c) BDCA
(d) BCDA
(e) DBAC

Ques 6.
(A) But categorisation schemes are not always helpful in determining what one can do with or about organisational culture.
(B) Much of the literature on organisational cultures is focused on categorising types of cultures.
(C) It has taken the understanding of corporate culture far beyond what used to be called the informal organisation.
(D) This literature is both interesting and informative.
(a) BDAC
(b) BADC
(c) BCDA
(d) DABC
(e) DBAC

Ques 7.
(A) Much of the argument that goes on around the alternative solution occurs because people hold different perceptions of the problem.
(B) One of the reasons that Japanese managers are perceived as making superior decisions compared to Western managers is that they spend a great deal of effort and time determining that the problem is correctly defined.
(C) Unfortunately, too often in theWest,managers assume that the initial definition of the situation is correct.
(D) Up to half the time in meetings is spent in asking “Is this the real problem ?”
(a) BDCA
(b) BCDA
(c) CBDA
(d) ACDB
(e) ABCD

Ques 8.
(A) Participation involves more than the formal sharing of decisions.
(B) Through anticipation, individuals or organisations considers trends and make plans, shielding institutions from trauma of learning by shock.
(C) Innovative learning involves both anticipation and participation.
(D) It is an attitude characterised by cooperation, dialogue and empathy.
(a) BCAD
(b) ABCD
(c) DACB
(d) CBAD
(e) ACBD

Answers :
(1) (e), (2) (c), (3) (b), (4) (d),
(5) (c), (6) (a), (7) (b), (8) (d).