Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Correct the Sentence - XIX

Correct the following sentences

(1) There is no harm to go there.
(2) Write with ink.
(3) He rides on a car.
(4) This is a comfortable house to live.
(5) This is the road to go.
(6) I gave her a chair to sit.
(7) He is called with different names.
(8) He went away for doing some business.
(9) We discussed about the matter.
(10) When this was searched it was found.

Answers :
(1) There is no harm in going there.
(2) Write in ink.
(3) He rides in a car.
(4) This is a comfortable house to live in.
(5) This is the road to go by.
(6) I gave her a chair to sit on.
(7) He is called by different names.
(8) He went away on business.
(9) We discussed the matter.
(10) When this was searched for it was found.