Ques 1.
S1 : There are numerous kinds of superstitions in different parts of the country.
S6 : A dog’s howling predicts death— this is a typical superstition.
P : But people go on respecting it through force of blind custom.
Q : Most of them have a bearing on ‘‘luck’’—good or bad.
R : Superstitions, usually have their origin in fear and ignorance.
S : Nobody remembers now how a superstition first started in remote ages.
The proper sequence should be :
(a) Q P R S
(b) R S P Q
(c) R S Q P
(d) Q S P R
Ques 2.
S1 : Society in every country shapes itself out of it own initiative.
S6 : And our Indian women are as capable of doing it as any in the world.
P : No one can or ought to do this for them.
Q : Our part of duty lies in imparting true education to all men and women in society.
R : Woman must be put in a position to solve their own problems in their own way.
S : It will not be then necessary to pull down or set us anything in society by coercion.
The proper sequence should be :
(a) S R Q P
(b) Q R S P
(c) Q S R P
(d) S R P Q
Ques 3.
S1 : Many people believe that it is cruel to make use of animals for laboratory studies.
S6 : It is in view of these facts that the Government of India has banned the export of monkeys to America.
P : They point out that animals too have nervous systems like us and can feel pain.
Q : These people, who have formed the Anti-vivisection Society, have been pleading for a more humane treatment of animals by scientists.
R : Monkey, rabbits, mice and other mammals are used in large numbers by scientists and many of them are made to suffer diseases artificially produced in them.
S : We can avoid such cruelty to animals if we use alternative methods such as tissue culture, gas chromatography and chemical techniques.
The proper sequence should be :
(a) Q P R S
(b) P R Q S
(c) Q R S P
(d) P S Q R
Ques 4.
S1 : A spider’s web, after a shower of rain, is a very beautiful thing.
S6 : They are also feared because their bites may have unpleasant effects like a rash on the skin.
P : This explains partly why spiders are thoroughly disliked.
Q : But no poet has ever sung of the beauty of the spiders, for most spiders are not beautiful.
R : On the contrary, most of them are rather unattractive, if not ugly !
S : Poets have sung about the beauty of the spider’s webs, comparing the water drops on them to ropes of pearls.
The proper sequence should be :
(a) S P Q R
(b) Q S R P
(c) Q R S P
(d) S Q R P
Ques 5.
S1 : We are what our thoughts have made us.
S6 : If good impressions prevail, the character becomes good, if bad it become bad.
P : And so take care of what you think.
Q : Every man’s character is determined by the sum total or these impressions.
R : Every work we do, every thought that we think, leaves an impression on the mind-stuff.
S : Thought live, they travel far.
The proper sequence should be :
(a) S P R Q
(b) R Q S P
(c) P R S Q
(d) R Q P S
Answers :
(1) (d), (2) (c), (3) (a), (4) (d), (5) (a)