Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Correct the Sentence - VIII

Correct the following sentences

(1) Ramesh has many businesses today.
(2) There was not any temple there but I visited.
(3) He as well as I am wrong.
(4) We have come here to take your leave.
(5) I cannot endure her separation.
(6) Do you know who are you referring to?
(7) You should follow their advice who are superior to you in intellect.
(8) He dares not to speak against me.
(9) I was greatly wondered at what met my eyes.
(10) I admitted my brother to the D.A.V. College.

Answers :
(1) Ramesh has much business today.
(2) There was no temple there that I did not visit.
(3) He is wrong as well as I.
(4) We have come here to take leave of you.
(5) I cannot endure separation from her.
(6) Do you know whom you are referring to?
(7) You should follow the advice of those who are superior to you in intellect.
(8) He dares not speak against me.
(9) I was greatly astonished at what met my eyes.
I wondered greatly at what met my eyes.
(10) I got my brother admitted to the DAV College.