Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Para Jumbles - XIV

Rearrange in each of the following five sentences A, B, C, D and E in the proper sequence so as to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the questions given below them

(A) She said that she was a school teacher and a social worker.
(B) Then for sometime we discussed her plans for schooling of the children living in slums.
(C) Our conversation now took another direction.
(D) She also said that social work was her hobby only and not the job.
(E) I asked Meena about her occupation.

Ques (i) Which of the following should be the Second sentence?
(a) B     (b) D    (c) C    (d) E    (e) A
Ques (ii) Which of the following should be the Fourth sentence?
(a) E    (b) A    (c) B    (d) C    (e) D
Ques (iii) Which of the following should be the First sentence?
(a) A    (b) C    (c) D    (d) E    (e) None of these
Ques (iv) Which of the following should be the Last sentence ?
(a) C    (b) D    (c) B    (d) E    (e) None of these
Ques (v) Which of the following should be the Third sentence ?
(a) A    (b) B    (c) C    (d) D    (e) E
Answers :
(1) (i) (e), (ii) (d) (iii) (d), (iv) (c), (v) (d)