Sentence Rearrangement
General English

Correct the Sentence - VI

Correct the following sentences

(1) We shall not be here before two months.
(2) You must finish this work before two hours.
(3) I except a letter from her in a week.
(4) I received his letter long before.
(5) The train will arrive just now.
(6) Character and not riches, win us respect.
(7) Every flower and every leaf proclaim the glory of God.
(8) The sum and substance of her speech are as follow.
(9) Fifty rupees are not a large sum for that painting.
(10) Aesop’s Fables are book everybody should read.

Answers :
(1) We shall not be here for two months.
(2) You must finish this work within two hours.
(3) I expect a letter for her in a week
(4) I received his letter long ago.
(5) The train will arrive soon.
(6) Character and not riches, wins us respect.
(7) Every flower and every leaf proclaims the glory of God.
(8) The sum and substance of her speech is as follows.
(9) Fifty rupees is not a large sum for that painting.
(10) Aesop’s Fables is a book everybody should read.