General English

One Word Substation by C

Words One Word Substation
Cache A collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
Cackle The sound of Geese
Cacographer One who is bad in spellings
Calligrapher A person who writes beautiful writing
Calligraphy Art related to ornate, good handwriting
Cannibal One who feeds on human flesh
Capitalism Government by monopolists
Caravan A group of people, typically with vehicles or animals travelling together
Cardiology The study of the heart diseases and circulatory system
Carte blanche Absolute freedom to act as one wishes:?
Cartographer A person who draws or produces maps
Casino A public room or building where gambling games are played
Caucus A closed political meeting
Caw The sound of Crows
Cemetery A large burial ground, especially one not in a churchyard
Chauffeur A person employed to drive a private or hired car
Chauvinist A person who is blindly devoted to an idea/ a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism
Choreographer A person who composes the sequence of steps and moves for a performance of dance
Chrematophile A person who loves money
Chronobiology The branch of biology concerned with cyclical physiological phenomena
Chronology The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence
Chronophobia Fear of time
Circumlocution Talking around, a method of talking indirectly
Claque A group of followers hired to applaud at a performance
Claustrophobia Fear of closed space
Click The sound of Dolphins
Clique An exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
Cloakroom A room in a public building where outdoor clothes or luggage may be left
Cluck The sound of Hens
Colloquial Informal, less grammatically rigid language
Communalism Government by a particular community
Compere A person who introduces the performers or contestants in a variety show
Confederacy The union of states, parties or persons
Congregation A group of worshippers
Connoisseur A critical judge of any art and craft
Constellation A series of stars
Contemporaries Persons living at the same time
Convalescent One who is recovering health after illness
Convent A Christian community of nuns living together under monastic vows
Convivial One who is full of life and has a charismatic personality
Coquette A girl/woman who flirts with a man
Cortege A funeral procession
Cosmopolitan A person who regards the whole world as his country
Creak The sound of Crickets
Creche Nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day
Crematorium A place where a dead person?s body is cremated
Croak The sound of Frogs
Crusade A vigorous campaign for political, social, or religious change
Curator A keeper or custodian of a museum or other collection
Cynic One who sneers at the beliefs of others
Cynophobia Fear of Dogs
Cynosure One who is a centre of attraction
Cypher A secret or disguised way of writing