General English

One Word Substation by P

Words One Word Substation
Palaeography The study of ancient writing and scriptures
Panacea A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Pantheism A doctrine which identifies God with the universe
Pantheist One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe
Parricide Killing of a parent or other near relative
Pathetic Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity
Patricide Killing of one's father
Patriot One who loves his country
Pedagogy The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching
Pedantic Excessively concerned with minor details or rules
Pediatrics The study of the physical structure of children
Pediatry The study of the mental structure of children
Perambulator A baby carriage
Petrology The branch of science concerned with the origin, structure and composition of rocks
Pharmacophobia Fear of Medication
Philanderer One who loves without seriousness
Philanthropist A lover of mankind
Philanthropy Love for mankind
Philogynist A person who likes or admires women
Philogyny Fondness towards women
Philology The study of languages
Philosopher One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it)
Photograph Written by light
Physiology The study of a body
Pipe The sound of Nightingales
Plagiarism The practice of taking someone else?s work or ideas and passing them off as one?s own
Planetarium An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects????
Plutocracy Government by the wealthy
Podium A place for feet or a speaker's platform
Polyandry Having several husbands
Polygamy The practice of several marriages (having many wives)
Polyglot A person who speaks more than one language
Polytheist One who believes in many Gods
Posse A temporary police force
Posthumous Published after someone?s death
Postmortem An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death
Potable Safe to drink
Preamble Walk before-hand or an introductory statement
Psephologist One who studies the elections and trends in voting
Psephology Study of election trends
Psychic One who has a strong sixth sense
Psychology The study of human behaviour
Psychotic One who is mentally unsound
Pyromania Morbid compulsion to start a fire