Palaeography |
The study of ancient writing and scriptures |
Panacea |
A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases |
Pantheism |
A doctrine which identifies God with the universe |
Pantheist |
One who believes that God is union of all forces of the universe |
Parricide |
Killing of a parent or other near relative |
Pathetic |
Something or someone makes you feel deep sadness or pity |
Patricide |
Killing of one's father |
Patriot |
One who loves his country |
Pedagogy |
The profession of teaching or the approach or style of teaching |
Pedantic |
Excessively concerned with minor details or rules |
Pediatrics |
The study of the physical structure of children |
Pediatry |
The study of the mental structure of children |
Perambulator |
A baby carriage |
Petrology |
The branch of science concerned with the origin, structure and composition of rocks |
Pharmacophobia |
Fear of Medication |
Philanderer |
One who loves without seriousness |
Philanthropist |
A lover of mankind |
Philanthropy |
Love for mankind |
Philogynist |
A person who likes or admires women |
Philogyny |
Fondness towards women |
Philology |
The study of languages |
Philosopher |
One who loves wisdom (hence pursues it) |
Photograph |
Written by light |
Physiology |
The study of a body |
Pipe |
The sound of Nightingales |
Plagiarism |
The practice of taking someone else?s work or ideas and passing them off as one?s own |
Planetarium |
An optical device for projecting various celestial images and effects???? |
Plutocracy |
Government by the wealthy |
Podium |
A place for feet or a speaker's platform |
Polyandry |
Having several husbands |
Polygamy |
The practice of several marriages (having many wives) |
Polyglot |
A person who speaks more than one language |
Polytheist |
One who believes in many Gods |
Posse |
A temporary police force |
Posthumous |
Published after someone?s death |
Postmortem |
An examination of a dead body to determine the cause of death |
Potable |
Safe to drink |
Preamble |
Walk before-hand or an introductory statement |
Psephologist |
One who studies the elections and trends in voting |
Psephology |
Study of election trends |
Psychic |
One who has a strong sixth sense |
Psychology |
The study of human behaviour |
Psychotic |
One who is mentally unsound |
Pyromania |
Morbid compulsion to start a fire |