General English

One Word Substation by I

Words One Word Substation
Iconoclast Someone who attacks cherished ideas or traditional institutions
Imbroglio Complex situation or a mix-up
Immitable Something which can be copied
Immoral Who behaves without moral principles
Impeach Charging a politician with a serious crime
Impregnable A person who is incapable of being tampered with
Incident That which falls upon befalls happens
Incorrigible One who cannot be corrected
Indefatigable One who shows sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality
Indelible Making marks that cannot be removed
Inevitable Certain to happen
Infallible Incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
Infanticide Killing of infants
Infirmary A place in a large institution for the care of those who are ill
Insolvent One who is unable to pay his debts
Interment Burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb
Introvert One who does not express himself freely
Invigilator One who supervises in the examination hall