General English

One Word Substation by S

Words One Word Substation
Sacrilege Violation or misuse of what is regarded as sacred
Sanatorium A room or building for sick children in a boarding school
Sangfroid An ability to stay calm in difficult situations
Satire Humour that describes the weaknesses
Satyromania Morbid, uncontrollable desire on the part of a man
Savour Enjoy something for an extended time
Scapegoat Someone who is wrongly blamed for things that others have done
Screech The sound of Parrots:?
Scullery A small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes and another dirty household work
Sculptor An artist who makes sculptures.
Secular Government not connected with religious or spiritual matters
Senicide The killing of an elder/older
Sheath A close-fitting cover for the blade of a knife or sword
Shoal A large number of fish swimming together
Sinecure A position requiring little or no work but giving the holder status or financial benefit
Slaughter The killing of an animal for food
Solarium A place for the sun to enter where one can sunbath
Soliloquy A speech to oneself, alone
Sologamy Marriage with self
Somnambulist Someone who walks in sleep
Sororicide Killing of one's sister
Souvenir A thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event
Squeak The sound of Rats
Stoic A person who is indifferent to the pains and pleasures of life
Stratocracy Government by military class?
Suicide Act of intentionally causing one?s own death
Super patriotism Excessive love for one's country
Sycophant One who is a boot licker, flatterer
Sympathy Simultaneously affected by similar feelings
Syngenesophobia Fear of relatives