General English

One Word Substation by G

Words One Word Substation
Gamophobia Fear of marriage, or getting in a relationship
Gastronome A person who loves food and finds pleasure in eating and drinking
Genealogy A line of descent traced continuously from an ancestor
Genetics Study of hereditary, genes and variation in living organisms
Genocide Killing of a large group of people
Genocide/ Carnage Killing of Humankind
Geography Mapping of earth and its formation
Geology The study of rocks and soil
Gerontocracy A state, society, or group governed by old people
Gerontology Study of various aspects of ageing
Gibber The sound of Monkeys
Glutton A person who eats too much
Gnosiophobia Fear of Knowledge
Gourmand A lover of good food
Gourmet One who has keen interest in food and drinks
Granary A storehouse for threshed grain
Grandiloquent High sounding pompous speech or writing
Graphology Study of handwriting
Gregarious Fond of company
Grove A small growth of trees without underbrush
Grunt The sound of Camels
Gullible One is innocent and unaware of worldly affairs
Gymnasium A room or building equipped for gymnastics, games, and other physical exercise
Gynaecology The study of female reproductive organs
Gynephobia Fear of Women