General English

Idioms and Phrases by C

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
Carry one's point win approval After heated discussion he was able to carry his point.
Cave in yield Although our team, fought bravely, yet had to cave in before the superior power play of the opposite team.
Chapter and Verse in full detail, to give proof He has such a sharp memory that he can narrate the story chapter and verse.
Cheek by jowl close together In metropolitan cities it is common that affluence and poverty exist cheek by jowl.
Chequered/Checkered caree full of ups and downs Politicians have generally chequered career all along.
Clinch the issue decide the matter When he agreed to leave the house for good, it clinched the issue in favour of his wife.
Close Shave a narrow escape As he was driving recklessly in a crowded street, he had a close shave.
Cock sure very sure and certain He was so cock sure of his success that he applied for the job before the declaration of the result.
Cool one's heels to be kept waiting He had to cool his heels before he could meet the President of the party.
Curtain lecture a reproof by wife to her husband My brother never pays any attention to his wife?s curtain lecture and does what he thinks is good for him.
Cut and Dried readymade form There is no cut and dried formula for success in life.
Cut both ends argue in favour of both sides He is ambiguous because he always cuts both ends.
Cut throat tough It is very difficult for Indian Industry to survive in the teeth of ?international cut throat competiton.