General English

Idioms and Phrases by W

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
Weal and woe joy and sorrow We must learn to bear weal and woe of life patiently.
Wear and tear damage caused by use Wear and tear of the machinery is known as depreciation in accountancy.
Well disposed to friendly or helpful to somebody One is always well disposed to those who are honest and hard working.
When the crunch comes the moment of decision Brave persons never despair when the crunch comes.
White elephant anything with less utility and more expenditure The Public Sector Undertakings have proved white elephants to our economy.
Will o' the wisp elusive, unreal To Romantic poets reality appears to be will o? the wisp.
Willy-Nilly whether one wishes or not Willy Nilly, she has to agree to the views of her husband all the time.
Win hands down win easily Australia won hands down in the Davis Cup finals.
Window shopping to look at goods displayed but not for buying Though I did not have any mind to make purchases, I just went out window shopping in the evening.
With a high hand oppressively He was a king who ruled his subjects with a high hand.
With open arms cordially, warmly When my cousin came back from England after ten years he was welcomed with open arms by all the relatives.
Within an ace of escape by narrow margin When our team was within an ace of victory, Iraq scored a last minute goal to draw the game.
Writing on the wall signal, warning The factory owner read the writing on the wall and closed down the factory.
Wry face disappointed look He made a wry face when he was refused admission to the college of his choice.