General English

Idioms and Phrases by I

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
In a fair way hopeful The doctor feels that patient is in a fair way on to recovery.
In a flutter excited My sister is in a flutter today because she is going for the interview.
In a tight comer in difficult situation After losing in gambling heavily, he is in a tight comer.
In cold blood to do something deliberately The child was murdered in cold blood.
In the blues in dumps, depressed After his failure in the Examination he is in the blues these days.
In the dumps in low spirits Her visit cheered me up as I was in the dumps before her visit.
In the family way pregnant She has been advised complete rest because she is in the family way.
In the limelight prominent After being out of favour with the leader of the party he is again in the limelight these days.
In the lurch to leave a friend in difficulty You must never leave your best friend in the lurch.
In the red suffer a loss Most of our Public Sector Undertakings are in the red for lack of efficient administration.
In the teeth of inspite of bitter opposition Hindu Code Bill was passed in the teeth of opposition by various organizations.
Ivory tower imaginary world Those who talk of non-violence as a useful tool in international politics live in ivory tower.