General English

Idioms and Phrases by S

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
Seamy side of life immoral side of society The picture depicts realism and presents the seamy side of life in modem India.
Set people by ears to incite people The communal speeches set people by ears.
Something up one's sleeve a secret plan She is quite a mischievous lady. There is always something up her sleeve.
Sow wild oats irresponsible pleasure seeking After sowing his wild oats Ram has decided to stick to the straight and narrow path in future.
Spick and span in order Her house looked spick and span because everything was in its place.
Spill the beans to give information Continuous interrogation finally made the man spill the beans and the disaster was averted.
Steal someone's thunder make a better impression The young actor performed so well that he stole his rival?s thunder.
Straight from the shoulde candidly My lawyer told me straight from the shoulders that my case was weak.
Sweat of the brow hard labour The honest persons live by sweat of the brow.