General English

Idioms and Phrases by H

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
Hang together support one another Tine two statements delivered by the leader of the party do not hang together.
Hanky Panky jugglery None of this hanky-panky, tefl me the truth.
Hard and Fast strict No hard and fast rule is laid down about being regular in the college.
Hard nosed attitude aggressive I don?t know why my teacher always has a hard nosed attitude towards me.
Head and shoulder superior Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee is head and shoulder above his predecessors.
Heart and soul devotedly He took part in the annual function heart and soul.
Helter skelter here and there When the police arrived the rioters ran helter skelter.
Herculean task very difficult It is a Herculean task to root out corruption in India.
High and mighty proud persons The high and mighty forget that everything in the world is transient.
Hit below the belt to deal unfairly He hit his friend below the belt when he revealed his business secrets to his rivals.
Hit the jack pot unexpected success He hit the jack pot by investing his money in shares.
Hobson's choice no alternative The employees in the private sector have hobson?s choice because they are forced to accept what they are ordered to do.
Hold at bay to prevent enemy from coming Maharana Partap could not hold the Mughal army at bay for long.
Hold in abeyance postpone For lack of funds the district administration has held the construction of road in abeyance.
Hold water sound, tenable His statement will not hold water as it is not based on facts.
Hole and corner secret I have come to know of your hole and corner method of dealing with people.
Hornet?s nest raise controversy The speaker stirred up hornet's nest by referring to impending changes in the rules.
Hush money a bribe He managed to escape punishment by paying hush money.