General English

Idioms and Phrases by F

Idiom / Phrase Meaning Example Sentence
Fabian policy policy of delaying decisions Politicians generally follow a Fabian policy in order to keep everyone satisfied.
Fair and square upright My father advised me to be fair and square in business dealings.
Few and far between very rare His visits to his hometown are few and far between because of his Expanding business.
Fight to the finish fight to the end Indian Army has vowed to fight to the finish and turn every intruder out of Indian territory.
Flesh and blood human nature People in some villages are so poor that their sufferings are more than a flash and blood can endure.
Fly off the handle to lose one?s temper When his father questioned him about money, he flew off the handle.
Fool's errand useless undertaking His visit to the States to earn money proved to be a fool?s errand.
Foot the bill bear expenses Although he hosted the feast, his brother had to foot the bill.
For no rhyme or reason any reason whatsoever Seema did not appear for her final examinations for no rhyme or reason.
French leave to be absent without permission Those who take french leave should not be pardoned.
From pillar to post rush in all directions and suffer much harassment You may rush from pillar to post, but you stand no chance of getting what you want without a bribe.