General English

Phrasal Verbs by F

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
Fall apart To break into pieces or to disintegrate My old house is falling apart; we have to do something about it soon or we would be in big trouble.
Fall back retreat The rioters fell back when the police arrived
Fall back on depend on You must save money to fall back on it in old age.
Fall behind To be late The landlord did not appreciate the boys?falling behind?with the rent every month.
Fall in with agree with Instead of challenging the lie, she fell in with their views.
Fall off decrease in number, get In the wake of roof tragedy the admissions in the school have fallen off.
Fall out quarrel The two friends appear to have fallen out over a minor issue.
fall through To fail; doesn?t happen His plans to trek through South America fell through when he got sick.
figure out To understand, find the answer He's trying to figure out how to earn enough money to go on the trip to Spain.
Fill in To provide missing information about someone or something The guy who owned the tea shop filled in about the recent theft attempt at the opposite house.
fill out To complete (a form/an application) Please fill out the enclosed form and return it as soon as possible.
find out To discover or obtain information I'm going to to find out who's responsible for the power cut.
focus on To concentrate on something Tom had difficulty focusing on work the day before his holiday started.
Follow up To continue or take further actions The superintendent asked him to follow up on the remaining files.