General English

Phrasal Verbs by r

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
rely on To count on, depend on, trust You can rely on me. I always arrive on time.
Rip off To copy illegally Do you know who ripped off their idea?
Round up arrest The police rounded up anti social elements last night.
rule out To eliminate Since he had a sound alibi, the police ruled him out as a suspect.
Run after pursue, hanker after We should not run after money.
run away To escape from a place or suddenly leave He ran away from home and joined the circus.
Run down criticize, poor health As a result of long illness she has run down a lot.
run into To meet by accident or unexpectedly (also: bump into) I'm so glad I run into you. I need to ask you something.
Run out come to an end When the rations ran out the head office was informed.
run out of To have no more of something. We've run out of milk. I'll just pop next door to borrow some.
Run over To describe briefly Can you please?run over?the agenda for me?
Run through waste money It is a pity that he has run through his fortune over gambling and drinking.