General English

Phrasal Verbs by S

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
Screw up To ruin or make a mistake Please try not to screw up this time
See about To take care The teacher will see about it.
See off to escort a guest for his departure His friends were present at the station to see him off.
See through discover something hidden, motive Man has grown so clever that it is difficult to see through his -tricks.
Send for summon She sent for a doctor when her husband fell ill.
Set aside allocate, strike down The high court set aside the verdict of the lower court in this matter.
Set in begin As soon as the summer sets in, the reptiles come out of hibernation.
set off To start a journey; Let's set off early to miss the rush hour traffic.
Set out start on a journey, set forth No sooner was the hunter informed of a lion's presence in the forest than he set out.
set up To start a business They set up their own company when they were still in high school.
Settle down To get comfortable Let me know after you settle down.
Settle for To accept something that?s not desirable He finally decided to settle for the cheaper headphones.
shop around To compare prices Don't buy that. Let's shop around and see if we can find something cheaper.
show off To brag or want to be admired He's such a show off. He has to tell everybody about his new computer.
show up To appear/arrive I don't think she'll show up tonight. Her daughter is sick.
Shut down To stop something from functioning It would be good if you could shut it down for a while.
shut up (impolite) To be silent, stop talking Shut up, you're spoiling the movie!
Sign off To stop talking How are you planning to sign off your speech?
Sign up To enrol We decided to sign up for the winter musicals this year.
Sit back relax He believes he has the right to sit back while others should work hard.
sit down To take a seat I think you should sit down. It's bad news.
Sit up stay out of bed, stay up She sat up in bed till late while waiting for her son.
Sneak in To enter without being noticed Did you see her sneak into her room?
Stand by support, help Although he promised to stand by me in difficulties, he did not live up to it.
Stand for represent T.E.C. stands for Technical Education Certificate.
Stand out to be conspicuous She stood out from the crowd because of her amiable manners.
stand up To rise from a sitting position The whole stadium stood up for the national anthem.
Stand up for To speak or act in support of something Would you stand up for us?
Stick around To stay I think she wants to stick around for some more time.
stick up for To defend My big brother always stuck up for me when I got into a fight.
Straighten out To make something right He is coming tomorrow to straighten things out.
Strike off remove from the list His name has been struck off the admission list.