General English

Phrasal Verbs by t

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
take after To resemble, in appearance or character Angie really takes after her grandmother.
take care of To look after Please take care of my cat when I'm away.
Take down write She was busy in taking down the dictation which the teacher was giving.
Take for suppose to be (identify) I took the scoundrel for a noble person.
Take in deceive For all your intelligence you are likely to be taken in by impostors.
take off To leave the ground The plane will take off as soon as the fog lifts.
take on To hire or engage staff I hear they're taking on extra staff for this event.
take out To remove; extract Please take out your mobile phones and turn them off.
Take out on To treat someone badly He took it out on his sister.
Take over take up responsibility The agency tried to take over another company.
Take to form a habit He took to wearing black leather jackets.
Take up start a hobby or study, occupy He has taken up modelling as a career.
Talk out of To dissuade someone They talked him out of it somehow.
Talk over discuss a matter I agreed to go home and talk things over with my father.
tell off To reprimand/criticize severely The coach told her off for not trying hard enough.
Tell upon affect adversely I have warned him that heavy work will tell upon his health.
think over To consider Take your time and think it over before you decide.
Think up To invent I know you can think up plenty of excuses.
Throw up To vomit The little boy threw up after jumping around the whole day.
try on To wear something to see if it suits or fits Go ahead, try it on and see if it fits?
Try out To test something to check if it works well or not Why don't you try out if the TV is working now?
turn down To refuse I asked her out but she turned me down flat.
Turn in To submit or to tell on someone He turned himself in to the police.
Turn off stop, switch off Please make it a point to turn off water tap before you go out.
Turn on switch on, start She turned on the shower to take bath
Turn out To provide a result It turned out to be a successful program.
Turn over change, capsize, upset The boat turned over & ten persons were drowned.
Turn up arrive, take place Who can say what will turn up next?