General English

Phrasal Verbs by L

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
Lay by save money The wise men always lay by money for their old age.
Lay down establish a rule, sacrifice The conditions laid down by the Department of Health were violated by the nursing homes.
Lay off to discontinue work, dismiss temporarily The workers have been laid off for want of raw material.
Lay out plan building, garden, etc. A number of gardens were laid out by the Moghuls.
leave out To omit, not mention Please check your form again and make sure nothing is left out.
let down To disappoint I feel so let down because they promised me a puppy but all I got was a doll.
Let in to admit into, secret. I will not let her in on my plans.
Let into allow to enter After repeated requests he was let into the classroom.
Let off to free from punishment, pardon She was let off by the Principal with light punishment.
Let up cessation, respite There is no let up in heat during May.
Lift up To exalt someone?s mood The reunion of the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. cast lifted up the fans of the show.
Light up To illuminate The team has done a great job in lighting up the entire place.
Live by means/manner You must learn to live by honest means.
Live off source of income They were living off rental income.
Live on depend for food The lion is carnivorous and lives on flesh.
Look about in search of, on the watch The thirsty crow was looking about water here & there.
look after To take care of Andy can you look after your sister until I get back?
Look at see carefully The boys are looking at the sky.
Look back on to think of the past People can often look back and reflect on happy childhood memories.
look down on To consider as inferior She's such a snob. She always looks down on anyone who is poor.
Look down upon hate, despise It is folly on your part to look down upon the poor students.
look for To try to find something Harry went to the shop to look for a new computer.
look forward to To await or anticipate with pleasure I'm looking forward to my birthday. It's in two days time.
Look into To investigate or explore The CBI has been appointed to look into the case.
look on To be a spectator at an event If you don't want to take part in the game you can look on for now.
Look out To be careful and vigilant The police have asked all the residents of the area to look out for men wearing peculiar clothes.
Look out for in search of, on the watch He is looking out for a decent job.
Look over examine carefully, go over The examiner has yet to look over practice note books.
Look up To refer or search for information I guess I have to look up the dictionary to find out the meanings of the words I do not know.
look up to To admire I always looked up to my father. He was a great man.
Look upon consider, regard We must look upon social evils as nuisance.