General English

Phrasal Verbs by p

Phrasal Verbs Meaning Example Sentence
pass away To die Your grandfather passed away peacefully in his sleep last night.
Pass for regarded to be The Tata pass for philanthropists in the country.
Pass off take place The elections are likely to pass off peacefully.
Pass oneself off show off The hypocrites always pass themselves off as honest persons.
pass out To faint He didn't drink enough water so he passed out at the end of the race.
Pass through go through, undergo, endure He is passing through financial difficulties these days.
pay back To reimburse I'll pay you back as soon as I get the loan.
Pay for To be punished or held accountable for something that has happened We had warned him that he would have to pay for his careless choices.
pick up To collect somebody I'll pick you up at around 7:00 to take you to the airport.
point out To indicate/direct attention to something As I already pointed out, there was a mistake in your calculation.
Pull down demolish a structure Why did they pull the shops down?
Pull off To achieve, succeed or make it happen Are you sure you can pull it off by yourself?
Pull over To come to a stop Can you please?pull over?for some time?
Pull through recover from illness I think she'll pull through her serious illness very soon.
Pull up stop, scold The students were pulled up by the Principal for their misbehavior with the class teacher.
Pull with live together He is pulling well with his wife these days.
Put down crush, keep down The riots were put down by the local police.
put off To postpone, arrange a later date Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can do today.
put on To turn on, switch on It's very dark in here. Please put on the light on.
put out To extinguish The fire fighters were able to put out fire in ten minutes.
put up To accommodate, give somebody a bed I can put you up until the weekend but then I'm going away.
Put up with To bear with or endure I know what exactly you had to?put up with?to reach here.