General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by A

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Age At a very young age, he became addicted to drugs. He is ageing fast because of illness.
Aim He used to torture his wife with the aim of extorting money from his in-laws. The company is aiming at increasing exports.
Air We all must sit in the open to get fresh Air. For the first time in an interview, Hilary Clinton aired her com plaints against Bill Clinton.
Alarm The news of the murder filled the residents with alarm. The residents were alarmed by the sound of a bomb-blast.
Alert A red alert was sounded on the eve of Independence Day. The police were alerted about the activities of the smugglers.
Ally America and its allies attacked Iraq. Britain has allied itself with America for political power.
Anger She showed anger at the misbehavior of the students. She was angered by my remarks.
Answer Her answer was not polite. She answered very politely.
Appeal The High court rejected her appeal for mercy. She appealed to me for mercy.
Approach His approach to life is practical. I approached him for help.
Arm His arm was so badly injured that doctors had to amputate it. The terrorists were armed with automatic Machine-guns.
Array She appeared in a very costly array. The priest was arrayed in ceremonial dress.
Arrest The news of his arrest was not true. He was arrested on the charge of murder.
Attempt My desperate attempts at qualifying a competitive exam were unsuccessful. The terrorists attempted an attack, but failed.
Attribute My friend's most admirable attribute is his patience. She attributed her success to her mother.
Author She is a very renowned author. She is said to have authored many novels.
Avail My request for help was of no avail. She availed herself of every chance.
Award She was happy on receiving a handsome award. He was awarded a gold medal.
Axe He used an axe to murder her. She was axed from her job.