General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by F

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Face Her face was badly bruised. He couldn't face the problems of life.
Fall Last night Shimla received a snow fall. He fell off the horse and was injured.
Fan I am a great fan of Raj Kapoor. Some anti-social elements are fanning the rumors of communal riots in the city.
Fare Hike in railway fare is not a welcome policy. He didn't fare well this year in his final examinations.
Fast He is on fast. He has been fasting for the last two days.
Favour She was clever enough to win her boss favour. He is an orthodox and doesn't favour inter-caste marriages.
Feast The feast was very delicious. He is always happy in feasting his friends.
Feather Birds of a feather flock together. The politicians are busy in feathering their own nests.
Field In villages, one can see children working in the fields along with their parents. A good cricketer should also field well.
File He is looking for his medical file. She filed case against the tenant.
Fill The food was so delicious that I had it to my fill. He filled my glass to the brim.
Find She is the sensational find in the world of modelling. We all are trying to find a solution to his financial problem.
Fire Curtains caught fire from the burning cigarette. The police fired in the air to disperse the crowd.
Fish He is fond of eating fried fish. Don't fish in troubled waters.
Fix On hearing the news of his accident, I was in a fix. I have fixed the meeting at six in the evening.
Flood Many houses were swept away by the flood. Whenever it rains heavily, this region is flooded by the river.
Floor The baby was sitting on the floor. Indian army completely floored the enemies in Kargil war.
Fly The flies were hovering over the uncovered sweets. The children waved at the plane flying overhead.
Fold The sheep was taken back to its fold. Having read the newspaper, he folded it neatly.
Fool He was a fool enough to believe his enemy. He can't fool me any more.
Foot She fell off the horse and got her foot hurt. He was responsible for the damage and so he had to foot the bill for the repairs.
Freeze The government has imposed freeze on the salaries of the employees. It's so cold that water has frozen in the pipe lines.
Frown There was a frown of disapproval on her face. She frowned upon the proposal with disapproval.
Function He avoids attending wedding functions. My washing machine has stopped functioning.