General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by W

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Walk We had a pleasant walk along the beach. Walking is a good exercise to keep fit.
Want She couldn't resume her studies for want of money. She never wanted to leave her job.
Watch The guard was on watch when the burglars broke in. India is carefully watching the diplomatic moves of Pakistan.
Water He is spending his father's hard earned money like water. She is watering the plants.
Well The water level of the wells has gone down. Tears welled up in her eyes.
While I worked in my friend's Company for a while before going abroad. Instead of studying he is whiling away his precious time.
Will He is a man of strong will. God has willed it so.
wind The wind was strong today. It was perfect for sailing. I have to wind my watch all the time. It's a pain.
Work She does most of her work on her computer. My computer is not working.
Wrong You must know the difference between right and wrong. Do not wrong just persons.