General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by M

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Mail The mail has not been delivered yet. I have mailed greetings to her.
Make Both of my radios are of the same make. She has made a cake.
Man My father is a man of principles. The first space flight was manned by the Russians.
Manoeuvre Troops on manoeuvre were detected by the enemy. She is manoeuvring to get high post in this firm.
Manure We use manure to get high yield. The field has not been properly manured.
March Many smaller countries have stolen march on India. The army marched into enemy's territory.
Mark He made a mark in life. He marked a wrong answer.
Market He has just gone to market. He is expert in marketing consumer product.
Master He is loyal to his master. She has mastered the rules of grammar.
Match They won the match by two goals. The colour of your shirt does not match your coat.
Mean He is a man of rich means. What do you mean by this?
Measure Govt, has introduced certain measures to tackle the problem of unemployment. Thermometer is used to measure the body temperature.
Mention He did not made any mention of you. He mentioned your name in the letter.
Mind He is a man of strong mind. I don't mind helping you.
misprint The ad in the newspaper says the shoes are $1000.00, but I think it's a misprint. The printing company misprinted the ad.
Move Diplomatic moves are required to settle the dispute between India and Pakistan. I think we are moving in the wrong direction.