General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by R

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Reach Good medical treatment is out of reach of a middle class man. He reached there quite late and missed the opportunity.
Rear She was standing in the rear of her house. She reared her family well inspite of many problems.
Reason I do not know the reason of their quarrel. It is difficult to reason with her because she is obstinate.
rebel James Dean was a popular actor in the 1950s. He had the image of a rebel. Teenagers often rebel against their parents.
Record He broke all previous records by attaining highest percentage of marks. I have recorded each and every moment of your birthday celebrations.
Refrain All of them joined in singing refrain. You should refrain from telling a lie.
refund The rain shoes I bought leaked! I took them back to the store and demanded a refund. The store apologized and refunded my money.
Refuse Industrial refuse is a major water pollutant. She refused his offer of help.
reject The rain shoes were rejects and shouldn't have been at the store. My idea for the new school mascot was rejected by the students.
Resort There is a good health resort in Shimla. You should resort to honest means.
Rest He is overworked and needs rest. He is resting in his room.
Resume He was much impressed by resume of his career. She is determined to resume her studies.
Ride He gave me a ride in his car. He rode his horse into the dense forest.
Right You are too young to differentiate between right and wrong. If you give him some time, he will definitely right his faults.
Rise His awkward behavior gave rise to my suspicion. She rises early in the morning.
Round The doctor is not available as he is on his round. The police rounded up anti-social elements.
Rule I always follow rules of my college. Her admission was ruled out.
Rumour He spread false rumour. It is widely rumoured that she will marry soon.