General English

Word Used as Verbs & Nouns by G

Word Examples of Noun Example of Verb
Gaze She looked at his behaviour with surprised gaze. She gazed at the sight thoughtfully.
Glare She looked at him with angry glare. She glared at him and left the room.
Grant He received grant for higher education from the university. My father granted me permission to attend a late night party.
Grasp Our fate is in the grasp of our thoughtless politicians. You must grasp at every chance.
Grave On every death anniversary of his son, he visits his grave. The epitaph graven on his tomb is very touching.
Ground Children are playing cricket in the ground. All aircrafts were grounded on account of fog yesterday.
Guard You should always be on guard against your enemies. Try to guard your secrets.
Guess Our guess about his character proved wrong. Can you guess the meaning of this word?
Guide He is working as a guide in this historical town. You must be guided by your common sense.