Computer Fundamental
Computer Tutorial

Audio System

Audio System

A complete sound system consists of sound card, microphone, speaker and the appropriate software. In addition to recording and playing the sound, the software allows editing of sound, like cutting, copy, amplification and creation of vibrant sound effects.
Audio response provides audio output from the computer. Audio output device like speakers, headset or headphone is used for audio output sound from computer. The signals are sent to the speakers via the sound card that translates the digital sound back into analog signals. The audio response from the computer may be generated by synthesizing the input human speech to give audio output, or may be a result of a set of rules that are used to create artificial speech.
Audio output is commonly used for customer service in airlines, banks, etc. It is also used in video conferences, surveys, etc. Audio response is used by visually impaired to read information from the screen. For speech impaired people, audio response helps them to communicate with other people.

Audio system ( Headphone and speakers )

Audio system ( Headphone and speakers )