Trackball is a device that is a variant of the mouse but has the functionality of mouse. It is easy to use and takes less space than a mouse. Trackball is generally built in laptops since there is no space for the mouse to move on the lap. Trackballs come in various sizes—small and big.
Trackball looks like an upside-down mouse. Instead of moving the whole device to move the cursor on computer screen, trackball requires the ball to be rotated manually with a finger. The trackball device remains stationary. The cursor on the computer screen moves in the direction in which the ball is moved. The buttons on trackball are used in the same way as mouse buttons.
Track Ball
In a Track Ball, rollers and sensors are used to sense the direction and rate of movement of Track Ball. When the ball of Track Ball moves, the rollers sense the horizontal and vertical movement and sensors sense the speed of movement. This information is passed to computer via the Track Ball chord.