An output device is an electromechanical device that receives information from the CPU and presents it to the user in the desired from. The processed data, stored in the memory of the computer is sent to the output unit, which then converts it into a form that can be understood by the user.
Output Device can be broadly classified into following categories:
• Hard Copy Devices
» Printer
» Plotter
» Computer Output on Microfilm (microfiche)
• Soft Copy Devices
» Monitor
» Visual Display Terminal
» Video Output
» Audio Response
The output obtained in a tangible form on a paper or any surface is called hard copy output. The hard copy can be stored permanently and is portable. The hard copy output can be read or used without a computer. The devices that generate hard copy output are called hard copy devices. Printer, plotter and microfiche are common hard copy output devices.
The output obtained in an intangible form on a visual display, audio unit or video unit is called soft copy output. The soft copy allows corrections to be made, can be stored, and, can be sent via E– to other users. The soft copy output requires a computer to be read or used. The devices that generate soft copy output are called soft copy devices. Visual output devices like computer monitor, visual display terminal, video system and audio response system are common soft copy output devices.